Unexpected Kindness

Hey Everybody!

My name is Garrett Green and I’m a senior, Multimedia Communications major from Augusta, Georgia. I am really looking forward to blogging and hearing your responses, so please be sure to provide any feedback you may have. As you may already know, I chose to represent the word “kind” because this word in my opinion can make or break your feelings about someone before you even get to know them. To me being kind is more than smiling or saying “please” before you ask for something. Being kind is going out of your way to help someone get through some of the toughest scenarios to some of the easiest ones. Being kind is having a positive attitude not only when you are on top of the world but also when things aren’t going your way.

I’ve learned from plenty of personal experiences that being kind can have a huge impact on someone’s day. One of the most notable acts of kindness that have ever happened to me was when I was 18. I lost my wallet when I was in the Augusta Mall one day shopping for a new pair of sneakers. I let it fall out of my pocket somehow and had no idea where in the mall it could be. I had my credit and debit cards, driver’s license, and, not to mention, about $300 in cash in it. When I say my world turned upside down, I mean MY WORLD TURNED UPSIDE DOWN. I went back and forth tracing my steps to see if I could somehow find it before it was taken.

About an hour went by and I had given up. I drove home ridiculously mad and frustrated at myself for being careless enough to lose it. My mom was pretty mad at me too. Mostly because I had so much money in my wallet and that was basically cash thrown down the drain. The next day I went back to the shoe store just in a case some somehow returned. I really must have had some type of divine intervention that day because my wallet was found with all of my credit and debit cards and ALL of my money. Not one dollar was taken!

This will always be one of the most memorable experiences of my life, not because I found my wallet with all my belongings (and every last bill!) but because someone was kind enough to find my wallet and turn it in to someone that could get it back to me.

You never know the effect that one random act of kindness can have on someone’s life. The person that turned my wallet in not only saved me from the hassle that comes with losing so much information but also managed to remind me of something so many of us easily forget. There is kindness in our world. There are plenty of people out there that WILL do the right thing. This experience reminds me to take a second out of my day, go out of my way, and give back, even when no one is looking. The smallest act can create the largest impact.